AVBOB Dream Team Review: Is AVBOB Dream Team Legit?

AVBOB Dream Team is a South African network marketing business brought to you by Africa’s largest mutual assurance society, AVBOB.
In operation for over 100 years, AVBOB has launched an entrepreneurial and business channel for all South Africans to earn by connecting people with AVBOB through the AVBOB Cashback Funeral Cover* policy.
AVBOB Dream Team Review
AVBOB Dream Team markets prepaid funeral policies from AVBOB. Benefits include a basic funeral valued at R13,500, an initial R3000 cash payment, and a R3000 tombstone discount.
However, neither AVBOB nor AVBOB Dream Team disclose funeral plan premium costs, though they appear to be at least R1000 upfront and R220 per month based on the compensation plan.
AVBOB Dream Team’s Compensation Plan
AVBOB Dream Team affiliates are paid commissions when retail customers or recruits purchase AVBOB funeral policies. There are 16 affiliate ranks based on recruitments and sales volume.
Is AVBOB Dream Team Legit or A Scam?
AVBOB Dream Team fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. The private domain registration and launch of its social media pages indicate the company started in late 2022 to early 2023.
Lack of Transparency
AVBOB Dream Team’s website domain (“avbob.app”), was registered in December 2022. The private registration was last updated on August 1st, 2023.
AVBOB Dream Team’s official Facebook page was created on February 15th, 2023. This gives us an approximate launch date.
AVBOB Dream Team fails to disclose who owns or runs the company. While a marketing video features Rameez Jakoet, it is unclear to what extent he is involved.

Jakoet’s Involvement with Berry Trading Ponzi
Jakoet is known for promoting Berry Trading – a South African “click a button” Ponzi scheme that collapsed in May 2023, resulting in customer losses. Jakoet claims he was just a promoter and not an admin of Berry Trading. However, promoting a Ponzi scheme still makes him a Ponzi scammer in my view.
Pyramid Scheme Risk
AVBOB Dream Team’s compensation plan lacks retail volume requirements. Affiliates can focus entirely on recruiting others and getting paid on their policy purchases.
If AVBOB Dream Team generates most revenue from recruited affiliates instead of retail customers, that indicates the policies are not viable standalone products and the business model risks operating as a pyramid scheme.
Misleading Marketing
AVBOB Dream Team markets itself as owned by AVBOB, but there is no evidence of AVBOB marketing AVBOB Dream Team. Launching an MLM opportunity with no marketing from the parent company is odd and potentially misleading.
While Jakoet’s involvement alone does not prove AVBOB Dream Team is a scam, the lack of transparency, pyramid scheme risks in the compensation plan, and misleading marketing are major red flags.
Proceed with caution when considering joining AVBOB Dream Team. Demand transparency around company ownership, executive biographies, and retail sales data to verify the business model is legally sustainable.
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